Summer is here, and my thoughts are turning to a sermon series that I preached a few years ago about the fact that during the summer months, a lot of “going” takes place. Not the “Go ye therefore…” kind of “going” we read about in the Bible, but rather the kind of “going” that leads people to places like up north, the lake, the dunes, the amusement park, or even campmeetings and youth camps. The kind of going that used to send shivers down my dad’s spine when I was a kid, because he understood what I only now understand. That traveling with small children is a royal pain. You hear phrases like “Are we there yet”, “how much longer”, “I have to go to the bathroom”, “my tummy doesn’t feel good”, and “Mom….he puked!”
I want you to know that all pastors are officially against this kind of going, because it means that you won’t be at church and we’ll miss you. Our attendance will go down, and there will be some days that are a bit sparse. So at least in an official capacity, all pastors are against this idea of “going”. On a personal level I want you to know that I am for this type of “going” for several reasons.
First, because I have a morbid sense of humor and want you to have to go through all of those car/kid issues that I go through every year.
Second, you might have noticed that I too “Go” for a few weeks each summer, and will continue to do so, because I believe that it is important. “Going” recharges your batteries and helps you to be able to focus better on the work God has for you to do when you return.
Third, I know that as you go, you will be remembering the things that we discuss here at Floyd on Sunday mornings about being a servant, sharing Christ, and living a holy life and that makes you kind of like short term missionaries to those other folks that are busy “going” to the same places you are.
Fourth I know that, as you go, you will attend another church wherever you are or have your own church with your family…you will go without forgetting God.
As I thought about this I realized that, as you go, it will be difficult for you to remember some of the important truths that are most essetial for us as believers to share, so I thought I would remind you of five things that I believe are top priority, as you go this summer.
- Jesus is the issue! There is nothing more important to share than Christ and his message of good news. He is the beginning and end of all that we do, and all that we are as Christians.
- People are important! During His time on earth Jesus spent most of His time with the people. He did retreat occasional for renewal and to spend time alone with God, but these times were to prepare him to better serve the people.
- The Gospel, Keep it Simple! Even though the plan of God to save humanity is profound and complex, it boils down to the God who created everything loving us so much that He was willing to give His Son so that we could have life eternal. There is no need to make it complicated, just live it.
- The Church Belongs to God! It’s not the pastor’s church, and it’s not the people’s church, it belongs to God. He trusts us to manage it, be encouraged by it, and to use it for kingdom purposes, but ultimately, it belongs to Him
- Not problems, but progress! If you are standing still then you will never have to overcome an obstacle. Obstacles only come to those who are moving and therefore are a sign of progress.
I know I preached on these topics a few years ago, but it is my hope that this reminder will help you “As You Go…” to “Go” in the Biblical sense, and not just for the fun of it. I do hope that you have some fun along the way, and that you come back refreshed and ready to dig in and do the work of the kingdom with us here at the Floyd Church of God.
You are loved,