Network church is a departure from the traditional gathered church to the sent church.
All of our values, structure, tradition, are aimed at the gathered church, not the sent church, or missional church.
How do we lead a congregational church while helping it to become a missional church.
Reggie McNeal is ADD…wow!
Analogy network widget…church is a widget, conference widget, worship widget
Our American network could never keep up with what is happening in India and China. Network churches of less than 15 persons each.
Proclamation is being replaced by Demonstration.
Not network to support congregational modality, but a true network
Us trying to convert people to churchness and then Christianity is like the early church trying to convert people to Judaism before they can become Christian.
Don’t try to convert people to church culture, they want God not Church Culture.
“Missional Church” is a redundant term
Definition of Missional Church “The people of God partnering with him in his redemptive mission in the world.”
Church is a Who not a what, a way of being not a way of doing.
It is not “A” church its “The” Church, not individual churches just additional points in the network.
I don’t go to church I am the church, everywhere I go.
Segments of life
Silo’s illustration different silo’s and church is just another one
Missional – Church is already deployed across all domains of culture
All the time we spend drawing people to our silo, is time away from their mission in another silo
Thinking of a new reason for small groups, not to get people to gather but as an evangelistic model.
The whole reason to be called out is to be sent back Ecclesia “Called out Ones”
The church does not have a mission…the mission has a church!!! WOW
Concourse illustration, if everybody is there and the planes are all on the ground they aren’t winning
Airport is a connector not a destination
When the airport becomes a destination things get messed up, it’s a point on the journey not a destination.
The church is not a destination, but a journey, a connector.
Jesus is where people need him, not just where we gather
Jesus said he came to seek and to save the lost
If the world is on God’s heart, then we have to become students of culture.
The Community should be better because we are there.
In the good Samaritan everybody meets their scorecard, the Samaritan meets God’s Scorecard.