Once again I have started receiving panick messages from “concerned Christians” (Marketeers really) about Dan Brown’s new movie based on Angels and Demons. Once again I have to say that most of them either didn’t read the book or are intentionally misrepresenting the facts to sell their own materials which debunk all of Mr. Browns supposed theology. Lets be smart people. Dan Brown is out to make a buck…if we all get up in arms about this new movie then the buzz that that will cause will cause him to make more money. The Book in question which is being made into a movie is…read my lips…FICTION! Quite frankly I enjoyed the book immensly other than some portions skipped because they were a bit graphic for my taste and my conscience. We have to remember that people who are not Christian aren’t going to write christian fiction. we also need to remember that christian fiction is fiction as well. Too many well meaning believers take some of the modern Christian novels too literally and form their beliefs about the end times and other things around them. The only real source worth building your belief system around is the Bible. Lets remember that, and if you decide not to see the movie Angels and Demons, I hope that it will be because of objectionabel content in General, and not because some Christian retailer sold you a bill of goods and you bought it.