Wow as I sit and watch the prelude to the inauguration, I am amazed at how many people want to be a part of this historic day. Like many, I am excited by the fact that we get to witness a historic first for our country, as a person of color takes office as president. I hope that the feelings of hope and excitement that our country feels today will be turned into positive energy that will inspire Americans to do whatever it takes to make America better.
How exactly do we do that? what would make America Better? I would love to hear some of your thoughts. Obviously I believe that America needs to honor God with Obedience, and allow him to be Lord of All once again, but aside from that very basic understanding, a better America would be one in which every American takes seriously their responsibility to make this a better country not just for themselves but for others as well. A selfish America will be a weak America. If We begin to look out for others, including the poor the sick and the weak then I believe that country will grow strong. Employers will pay their workers a fair wage, not just one that improves their bottom line. Executives will do what is best for the future of the company and not just what will make them rich personally. Unions will fight for fair treatment, but understand that there are limits to what employers can pay. Workers will work hard with integrity and earn what they receive.
If America is to do better, then I must do better. We are America, and if our country is broken, we need not look at our politicians, and leaders exclusively. We must bear some of the responsibility and begin to be the kind of America that we want her to be.